Exclusive Niio Curatorial Selection for Passover

Click on an art piece below, enjoy a glass of your favorite wine, and nourish yourself with fine digital art

We at Niio,  feel that powerful technology should be everywhere and subtle at the same time, perfectly integrated into our everyday experience in our homes and living spaces, without a feeling of intrusiveness. The art audiences of the future have technology integrated within their everyday life; through technology they experience the world around them, and this is what connects them to one another.

We invite you to enjoy this curation of  gorgeous digital art, an eye catching experience that allows your mind to linger for more than just a moment...

Nico Tone
Golden Flower

2018, Moving Image, 3 min, loop, Ed of 15

In this series of works Nico Tone deals with Digital interpretation of works by Japanese old master Kano Sansetsu. The reptilian blossoms, which convey the atmosphere of an early spring morning and symbolize birth and renewal. Kano’s works focuses on themes of Birds and Flowers of the Four Seasons, to depict nearly a year’s cycle of change from late spring to early winter.

The Sphere Dance

2019, Animation, 1 min loop, Ed of 15

Like a circle in a two-dimensional space, a sphere is defined mathematically as the set of points that are all at the same distance r from a given point, but in a three-dimensional space.

In this work by the artist an enigmatic Sphere is floating, almost ready for take off, while guarded by a vivid flock of butterflies. As nature upholds this industrial and futuristic object we are presented with a  view to an alternative horizon, while the still life scenery is indeed kept in gentle hibernation.

The Butterfly Effect

2019, Animation, 1 min 9 sec, loop, Ed of 15

Between Zhou and the butterfly there must be some distinction. This is what is meant by the transformation of things. 

"Once upon a time, I, Zhuangzi, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was Zhuangzi. Soon I awakened, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man. Between a man and a butterfly there is necessarily a distinction. The transition is called the transformation of material things."

“The Butterfly Dream” is the most famous story in the Zhuangzi book (c. 3rd century bce), one of two foundational texts of Daoism. The Zhuangzi is an ancient Chinese text from the late Warring States period which contains stories and anecdotes that exemplify the carefree nature of the ideal Daoist sage.

This work explores philosophical issues, stemming from the relationship between the waking state and the dream-state, or between illusion and reality. 

The title “The butterfly Effect” also refers to the chaos theory,  in which the term describes the sensitive dependence on initial conditions. It is derived from the metaphorical example of the details of a tornado being influenced by minor perturbations such as the flapping of the wings of a distant butterfly several weeks earlier. As such, a very small change in initial conditions had created a significantly different outcome.

Nico Tone Collective
Recurring Reflection

2018, Moving Image, 5 min 58 sec, loop, Ed of 15

Nature reflecting upon itself within this ordered chaos visual riddle. In each chapter of the work more hints are revealed.

Jakob Kudsk Steensen

2018, Mixed Media Art, 14 min 20 sec, Ed of 3

RE-ANIMATED is based on the last Kaua’i ʻōʻō bird that died in 1987, marking the extinction of its species.

RE-ANIMATED is a reanimation of the bird and its song, inhabiting a distorted digital reconstruction of the Kaua’i ʻōʻō’s original habitat on the Hawaiian island of Kaua’i. REANIMATED’s virtual world comes to life with interactive audio that includes algorithmic music composed by Michael Riesman, Musical Director for the Philip Glass Ensemble. Plants, moss, and insects respond to the pulse of music generated in real-time, as the audience’s breath organically impacts the virtual atmosphere.


In addition, we'd love to extend a downloadable art gift to you.

Click on the Link below, for a downloadable digital artwork that you can directly incorporate into your background on Zoom.

Make any moment an artistic inspiration.

Link: Niio.com/zoom


Niio. Art For a Digital Age

Niio connects with our digital culture by enabling and stimulating the market for video and new media art. Our curated distribution platform empowers a global network of leading artists, galleries, libraries and institutions to self-publish media art forms which can be borrowed or acquired and then viewed on connected display devices anywhere in the world.


Art studio

Asteman are a studio for visual art that combines practices from concept art, cinematics, and computer games. Using state of the art technology and 3D visualization tools they push the boundaries of virtual spaces, structuring extreme realistic and surrealistic sceneries.

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Nico Tone
Art Collective

Nico Tone is a collective of media artists based in Asia. Their artistic practice comes from exploration of relationships between traditional fine art and new emerging technologies. Nico Tone’s works include video-paintings, interactive and generative experiences.

Jakob Kudsk

Jakob Kudsk Steensen is a Danish artist and art director based in New York City. He is concerned with how imagination, technology and ecology intertwine. In a practice that emphasizes field work and collaboration, Kudsk Steensen develops large-scale video and XR installations that invite viewers into new ecological realities.